Identifying Your Child's Learning Style: A Guide for Parents
You may be asking yourself as a parent, “What kind of a learner is my child?” Knowledge of the learning style of your child can greatly influence the child’s learning process and development. Every child is different and understanding how a child learns, how he or she comprehends and retains knowledge is very important for his or her education. In this article, we will be discussing the four major categories of learning styles in order to provide a better understanding of them.
1. Visual Learners
Visual learners are those learners who have a strong desire to see and even draw information. They get most benefited from diagrams, charts, videos, and written instructions. Such learners may have good spatial reasoning ability and are capable of recalling information from the images and other graphical displays. Visual learners benefit when they are allowed to watch a demonstration, use flash cards or draw something in relation to what is being taught in class.
2. Auditory Learners
Auditory learners are those who understand information much better when it is presented in the form of an auditory stimulus. These learners are those who grasp concepts better when they hear them whether it is through lectures, discussions or even audio books. They may perform well in tasks that require receiving instructions in words, group discussions, or listening to taped lessons. Auditory learners are usually people who have a good sense of timing and facts are memorized through songs or rhymes.
3. Reading/Writing Learners
Reading/writing learners have a tendency of using text based information. They prefer reading textbooks, taking notes and searching information through the internet. Such learners perform best in conventional academic settings where they can learn by reading and demonstrate their knowledge through writing term papers, research papers or even summaries. Students who use them are usually good readers and prefer tasks that require reading and taking notes.
4. Kinesthetic Learners
These are learners who learn best through activities that involve their body movements or what is commonly referred to as the body smart learners. In their learning process, the students like to touch the content, whether it is experiments, models or role-playing. These learners perform well in situations that involve physical activities, manipulation of objects and objects in their learning process. They are usually active children and they should be engaged in activities that involve the use of their learning in real life situations.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning at Seacoast Charter Academy
At Seacoast Charter Academy located in Jacksonville Florida, we understand the need to accommodate all students’ learning needs. Our curriculum is developed in such a way that we respect and appreciate the differences, and each child is given a chance to succeed in his or her own way.
We offer different forms of learning to cater for each of the learning styles. Those students who are more inclined towards visual learning get to benefit from our use of interactive white boards and multimedia in the classroom. Auditory learners participate in dynamic discussions and use auditory materials. The students who learn through body movements, that is, through touch and muscle sensations known as kinesthetic learners benefit from the practical lab sessions and other practical exercises, on the other hand the Reading/Writing learners are provided with good reading materials and are encouraged to write down their comprehension of the subject.
The respect for the diversity of learners’ abilities contributes to the development of a learning culture that is welcoming and accommodating to all learners. We at Kids Club understand that every child is unique and has his or her own talents, and that is why we ensure that we develop each child into a responsible and successful person.